Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fleur de lapin

I have been experimenting with felting lately. This pretty flower came from the fur of my Angora rabbit. I hand felted it with, of all things, felting needles. They are rather long needles with barbs on them. You take a bit of angora, lay it on a bristle brush and punch the needle into the fur over and over and over again. Actually it's a bit thereputic. Then I dyed the petals a pale shade of pink, and added a vintage earring for some bling. Voila!!!! A pretty in pink flower brooch. This is my fluffy bunny, Peter, who is worth his weight in fur.

He's not a bit camera shy. He insisted on a close up.

Here is another look!!!! By the way it's super soft.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Altered Necklace!!!!

Here are a few pictures of a necklace we have been working on. All vintage and found objects. The cameo is mounted on an antique watch fob. I just love the crystals!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Altered Prize Ribbon

Here is a preview of the May workshop project we are presenting at Refind in Powder Springs. It's an altered prize ribbon. We all have the best mother!! It says Je t aime Maman cheri. " I love you mother dear" in French. Sorry for the flash glare.

April Workshop Pictures

For our April workshop we decided to make a Spring Time banner to welcome the new season. It doesn't look like its a complicated project, but looks can be deceiving. There were many tiny details that took time and patience to complete. All the ladies were troopers and did a wonderful job! We were all covered in glitter as well as the banners! Hence the name "glitzy pixies."


What's inside?

A closer look!
Here is the blue version.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Warm Fuzzies!

Once in a while we have one of those days or weeks when nothing seems to be going our way and we need life to bring us a warm fuzzie to lift our spirits. The joy in simple things can warm our hearts, bring a smile to our lips, and make us feel that things will be okay. "Tomarrow is another day with no mistakes in it", as Anne Shirley says. These little critters came to live at our house just in time for Easter. I hope they lift your heart like they did mine! May the joy of our risen Lord and Savior be yours in this season of newness of life!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Cat's Meow

Since the weather has been so rainy, chilly, and just plain dreary lately I thought it would be a good time to finally blog about my visit to the Cat's Meow in Venice, Florida. I read about this charming shop in the January issue of Romantic Home magazine and knew instantly I would visit the next time I happened to be in Fla. Lucky for me there was already a spring break trip in the works. It must be said the beautiful pictures in the magazine did not do this shop justice.

It is a vintage dream come true full of all things chippy and tres shabby chic!!!!!!

It had plenty of mirrors with just the right patina and mercury glass.

and chandeliers.

Talk about a francophiles delight!!!!! A dress form straght from Paris.

Just look at her shoes!!!!!!!!!! (I could't resist peeking)

One of the things that impressed me in the article is that the owners, Mark and Susie Holt, work together 24/7 to make the shop a success. I was even more impressed by their friendly and gracious manner when I asked to take pictures for this blog. We had a wonderful conversation about their lovely shop. They even posed for a picture with yours truly!

If you find yourself in Florida make plans to visit the Cat's Meow. Thanks Mark and Susie for a wonderful time!!!!!!!!!!!